This can be a perfect opportunity for some as many cannot afford college on their own. Four years of service in the Marines grants you access to financial aid and student funding. Best of all you can attend school while you are with the Marines. This means that you won't have to spend an additional four years in civilian life getting your degree.
Make no mistake it's not a cakewalk, it's very hard to balance your military duties and your schooling. However it can make you much stronger, smarter, and more desirable in your specific field. What field you choose is up to you. The Marines offer education in many different fields and some of them can tie in with your military jobs as well.
Getting a job in military isn't that hard, as soon as you complete basic training you're assigned your first one. However the Marines tend to have more intense duties than the Army, Navy, or Air Force. Originally the Marines were supposed to fight on their own and carry out raids and attacks from the sea and then move onto land. They were trained in both ground and naval combat and were meant to be unstoppable.
However as time has gone by they have slowly begun to take over the main duties of the Army and the Army has been relegated to a reserve role. Whenever there's a war or an attack the Marines are usually the first ones sent in. Once there they usually deal with spotting targets, performing recon missions, and supporting other branches of the military in the field. It's a very dangerous job to say the least and you shouldn't go into it without being prepared for the worst case scenario.
However success in the Marines can lead to greatness not just in your job position but in the military as well. Do well and you'll make a name for yourself amongst the troops and maybe even civilians. But most people in the Marines are not there for glory or prestige; they are there because they want to serve their country. These humble selfless people are often the unrecognized soldiers that risk their lives every day.
It's important to remember however that the Marines were not always as they are now. In fact the entire United States military wasn't always divided into separate segments. In the past the Air Force was part of the Army and called the Army Air Corps. The Navy was its own individual organization before the Marines were introduced and during WW2 the two divisions worked closely together.
History aside, military jobs can be strenuous but rewarding. They have many opportunities for advancement and they also offer training in other fields. This makes it easier to find a job upon exiting the military and returning to civilian life.