If you have a high school diploma then you could have one of the military enlisted jobs the Air Force offers. If you have a college degree you could have a military officer job in the Air Force. There are also military health care jobs available for those people who are already in the healthcare industry.
Maybe when you think of the Air Force you simply think of flying jets, but being a pilot is only one of the many, many military jobs available in the Air Force. As an enlisted member of the Air Force you could apprentice in areas such as aerial gunning, aerospace control and warning, or biomedical equipment. If you have an officer job in the Air Force you could be a pilot, an intelligence officer, a scientist or a plethora of other things. Check on the United States Air Force website to see a complete list of the military job opportunities available to you in the Air Force.
If you decide that a job in the Air Force may be right for you then you should contact a recruiter. Remember that recruiters are employed by the military; understand that it is their job to get you to sign up. They are great sources of information, but don't let a recruiter be your only source of information. Go out and research military jobs in the Air Force for yourself. If you have any friends or family members who have had military jobs in the Air Force you could ask them to tell you about their experiences. Read whatever you can find on the topic. Good luck on your military job in the Air Force.