This form can be required in many situations after a member is discharged from the military. For example, it is often required for employment situations and benefit enrollment.
Only if you have a military job, can you request your military records. However, if you are deceased, then your next of kin can request your DD214 form.
If you are in need of a copy of your DD214 form, then follow these simple steps:
Step 1
Log on to the National Archives website, and go to 'Request Military Records.'
Step 2
There will be several questions to answer. You will answer the questions in four steps to create a request form. You will be able to customize the form according to the information you need for a military job.
Step 3
After answering the questions, print the form. Don't forget to date and sign the form in the signature verification area.
Step 4
If you are the next of kin, then you need to show proof of death of the military member in order to obtain the DD214 or any other military records.
This is everything you will need to obtain the DD214.
Step 5
Now it's time to submit your request military job record request. If you have a fax machine, you can fax your request to (314) 801-9195. If you prefer to send it through the mail, send the information to the following address: National Personnel Records Center, Military Personnel Records, 9700 Page Avenue St. Louis, MO 63132-5100. To find out more information about military jobs and military career information, research online today!