US military jobs are available at home and abroad and the defense establishment is one of the biggest employers in our economy due to the huge budgets that are available from the Federal government and the market for military services and products overseas. The best military jobs are difficult to find as many positions are filled by word of mouth referral and personal recommendation based upon prior service and experience. This is not to say that new entrants are effectively barred from applying for and gaining a good position with a military employer— far from it. In fact, many new entrants are recruited every year by major employers looking for skills that only the civilian workforce have to offer.
The real issue is that many positions that are really attractive and rewarding require a potential candidate to be able to learn about them very quickly and to be able to get their name and resume in front of the employer fast. Being able to build a competitive advantage is vital for success and fortunately we now have the internet and the World Wide Web to help.
There are powerful resources available online for assessing comprehensive listings on military jobs that are up-to-date and contain sufficient information for candidates to assess the merits of the position. Finding a web based resource is not so simple, however, as many web sites are claiming they can deliver miracles but in practice fall far short in delivering real results. This is where candidates need to exercise some common sense and ensure that they are only dealing with a resource web site that truly is capable of delivering results.
The best military job vacancy sites will generate comments from users and clients on the discussion boards and forums which are easily found on the net. This is probably one of the best forms of individual testimonial you are likely to find short of a personal recommendation.
You should look to use an aggregating resource which pulls vacancy information from both the online and offline worlds and collates the information for you to easily access and quickly apply for positions you are interested in. Portal web sites should provide additional services and features for you to use but one of the biggest issues is whether you as an individual job seeker should be charged any fees for using the service.
Traditional web based recruiting sites tend to allow free access to individual job seekers but then charge employers a fee for promoting their vacancy. This is the wrong way around for a resource which hopes to be comprehensive – just think about this – how can a service claim to be comprehensive if it only allows vacancies to be listed if the employer pays a fee to that site? Web sites which charge a fee to employers are automatically cutting out a whole wealth of vacancy listings that their users will never get to see on their web site simply because the employer is being charged for the privilege and many simply will not pay the fees involved.
Best advice is to look at those portal web sites which charge the individual job seeker; this may sound strange at first as why should you as an individual pay a fee to access the information when you can get the information for free at a rival site? The answer is already there – you are not going to be able to access a comprehensive information database on military jobs simply because web sites which charge employers fees are not comprehensive at all!
Before you do part with any money, make sure you check out the credentials of the site operator before committing yourself. You can do this for free and very easily – just use a free trial from the web site and if they don’t provide you with a free trial option then avoid them. You should also check that they have a landline telephone number and a physical mailing address as many operators who do not provide this information are not serious service providers and also should be avoided.
Whether you are looking for an active military position or military history jobs, you will find a wealth of interesting and rewarding positions which our country relies upon for its safety and security. Finding positions within the sector is not difficult as there is a great demand for skilled and experienced workers in this area but being able to extract the best vacancies that you are interested in and negotiate the most rewarding benefits and remuneration package is something which requires hard work and thorough preparation. Remember you will be competing with many other equally experienced and qualified candidates so you will need to establish a base from which to build a competitive advantage that allows employers to see you as a prime candidate for their vacancies.